In Christ Alone
All of Scripture points to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Our faith is in Christ, who took our place on the cross, shedding his blood for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus Christ is the word made flesh, and the mediator between God and man, through whom we receive salvation and eternal life.
"In fact, however, the gospel demands no works to make us holy and to redeem us. Indeed, it condemns such works, and demands only faith in Christ, because he has overcome sin, death, and hell for us. Thus it is not by our own works, but by His work, His passion and death, that He makes us righteous, and gives us life and salvation" (Luther, Preface to the New Testament, p. 17).
We are saved by the life-giving death of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. Here, Luther makes it clear how we are ultimately saved by grace, through faith in the death and resurrection of Christ.
"This proves that there is only one gospel, just as there is only one Christ because the euengelion, the gospel, neither is, nor can be, anything other than the proclamation of Christ the son of God and of David, truly God and man. By his death and resurrection, He has conquered sin, death, and hell for us and all who believe in Him" (Luther, Preface to the New Testament, p. 16).
The more opportunities I have had to explore Scripture, the more I see that everything in Scripture points to Christ. The Old Testament points to the New Testament, pointing to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. One of the most famous verses of the Bible is John 3:16, explaining that God loved the world, so that he sent his son, so that we may have eternal life.
In order to live out our faith boldly through the proclamation of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we can confidently share this good news with those around us. For those who have never heard of Jesus, Christians have the opportunity to share how Christ humbled himself, becoming a man, suffered on a cross, was buried, and rose again, defeating death. Especially during this season of Advent, we have the opportunity to share with others the true reason for the celebration of Christmas and the reason why Jesus came to this Earth.
Let us pray:
Dear Lord, thank you for sending your son, Jesus Christ, to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Help us everyday to realize our sin and sinfulness, and repent, turning to you, and keeping our eyes fixed on you. This world is full of distractions; turn our eyes ever towards you as we cling to you. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Thank you, Jesus!