Sola Fide

Through Faith Alone

Without fail, Luther always comes back to the truth that we are justified by faith alone. He also describes faith as a matter of the heart, from which flows good works. Luther also describes "Sola Fide" as being the "doctrine by which the church stands or falls." One of Luther's descriptions of faith is this:

"Faith is a living and unshakeable confidence, a belief in the grace of God so assured that a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake" (Luther, Preface to Romans, p. 24). 

This unwavering confidence and true faith automatically permeates into every aspect of our lives and every vocation we have as Christians. Throughout his writings, Martin Luther describes vocation as wherever you are. Luther describes this in his Commentary on Galatians, explaining that those who believe in Christ as their source of righteousness cheerfully, gladly, and willingly work in their vocation (Luther, Commentary on Galatians, p. 109). This is profound because it means that wherever we are, we are where God would have us according to his plan and purpose.

Genuine faith is no secret, rather as mentioned earlier, it automatically permeates into every aspect of our lives. If a Christian has faith, they cannot be restrained, and good works automatically flow forth through love for others, as Christ's love for the church. If good works and love do not blossom forth, then it is not genuine faith. 

"Hence, the man of faith without being driven, willingly and gladly seeks to do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of hardships, for the sake of the love and glory of the God who has shown him such grace" (Luther, Preface to Romans, p. 24).

Faith seeks the good of others and makes God known to others. Not only this, but faith is always connected to something else, and it is impossible to separate it from works because good works naturally blossom forth from faith. 

Too often, people view faith as something we do for ourselves, but the opposite is true. Men and women of faith suffer hardship and persecution for the sake of love and glory of God, because of the grace we receive from him through faith. 

Being a seed planted in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, faith is an innermost conviction of the heart. My illustration for this post depicts the Holy Spirit planting faith in our hearts, and shows how that faith grows to cling to Christ and the cross as our source of salvation, as well as hope, peace, and comfort. 

Personally, there have been times in my life when my faith has been weak. However, it was during these times that I was lifted up, encouraged, and grounded by people of the faith around me. Faith looks different for everyone, and I believe there is always more to learn and always more ways to grow in one's faith. 

There is another verse from Hebrews 11:1 that reads:

 "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." 

When we walk by faith rather than sight, we learn to lean on God, grow, and allow God to display his power in, with, and through us, his children. We are nothing without faith. Through faith, we do not feel obligated to do good for our neighbors, but rather we get to. We get to serve those around us solely because of the grace that God has given us. 

I think that, especially this year, we get to share the Good News with those around us. Throughout this entire year, I have come to know more and more people who are suffering, sick, or are having a hard time in one area or another. When I do not have any answers for what is occurring around me, I come back to my faith, because God is the only constant in this world of constant motion.  I get to share this good news with those who are suffering because of the gift of grace that has been given me through faith. It is by grace alone, through faith, that we are justified and get to live out our lives as Christians in this world.

Let us pray:

Dear Lord, We thank you for your gift of grace and that the Holy Spirit plants the seed of faith in our hearts. Help us to grow evermore in our faith and  in unwavering hope and trust in you. Help us to be bold in confessing our faith to those that do not know you. Bless us and keep us firm and steadfast in your word. In Jesus' name, Amen. 
